
Renée Gouin

17. August 2017
Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

Renée Gouin creates abstract and modern fashion paintings in beautiful color palettes. She seeks her inspiration from an array of aesthetics including the spare flatness of Japanese woodblock prints and the reductive visual vocabulary of Morandi. Her most recent work is influenced by the color palettes and ambiguous spacial effects found in fashion photography. By emphasizing these flat abstract forms, Renée Gouin embraces the playful antics of cubism.

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration

Modern Fashion Paintings / Illustration by Renée Gouin

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    Reply Camilla 5. September 2017 at 12:50


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    Reply Rhiannon 14. December 2017 at 19:17

    Sometimes I wish I had a home FULL of abstract art like this in beautiful frames!

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