Art Objects

Kokeshi Dolls by Becky Kemp

23. May 2016
Andy Warhool Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Becky Kemp celebrates cultural icons with traditional Japanese Kokeshi Dolls

Becky carried a sketchbook with her 24/7 since she was old enough not to loose it. And ever since she is interested in everything that has to do with arts or creating beautiful things. Her parents encouraged her to create from an early age and Becky still believes in the idea that if you can’t find what you are looking for simply learn how to make it yourself.

Four years ago when her tiny cottage was bursting at the seams with paintings, sketchbooks and wooden figures, she’d made in her spare time, Becky decided to open her online shop and start selling her iconic Kokeshi Dolls. Six months later she resigned her day job and concentrated on full time. Currently Becky is working from her home studio in the South-East of England.

The Wooden Figures morphed into Kokeshis when I discovered a traditional Japanese Kokeshi in a Antiques shop. The paint was chipped and the head wobbled but I loved the simple shape and the effect of painted wood so I took her home with me. Kokeshis traditionally have no arms or legs and are given as gifts of friendship.

The Characters were born from my sketchbook doodles of caricatured Art, Design and Historical icons. I like the idea of celebrating cultural icons who have truly achieved and inspired others against the current appetite for media celebrities glorified for very little.

Prince & Ziggy Stardust Kokeshi Dolls by Becky Kemp

Karl Lagerfeld Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Karl Lagerfeld & Coco Chanel Kokeshi Dolls by Becky Kemp

Woody Allen Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Vincent Van Gogh Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Frida Kahlo Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Salvador Dali Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Iris Apfel Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Iris Apfel & Anna Wintour Kokeshi Dolls by Becky Kemp

Pirate Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Pablo Picasso Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Prince Purple Rain Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Charlie Chaplin Kokeshi Doll by Becky Kemp

Wooden hooks with Karl Lagerfeld and Salvador Dali

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    Reply Corina Nika 23. May 2016 at 16:32

    These are adorable! I was just watching a documentary about their history and how they’re made. So impressed with the creativity!

    • Sarah Le Donne
      Reply Sarah Le Donne 1. July 2016 at 12:17

      Seeing all your comments here Corina, I realize how long I haven’t answered any on the blog! Oups… 😉 Anyway, do you remember the name of the documentary? This entire story about the Kokeshi dolls sounds pretty interesting.

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